Roster FAQ

Roster FAQ

1) Who can add/remove players to/from my roster?
Team Managers can add existing players in the database to their roster.
Players can not add/release themselves from rosters- removal by Team Manager only.
Email admin for new player additions (i.e., Player is not already in the USSSA player database.)

2) I tried to add an existing player to my roster but could not- why?
Most likely they are on the roster of another team. Ask your player to contact their current/former coach to be released. If they are unable to get response or your issue is beyond that, contact Admin for further direction/assist.

3) What information do I send to Admin for new player additions?
New players to the database require the following: Name, date of birth, phone, email, city, state, zip.
(First name as it appears on your identification. ie. Richard vs Rick)

4) I want to join a new team and leave my current roster. What is the process?
Your current/former Coach is your first contact, requesting to be dropped from their roster. Following such, your new Coach can add you to theirs. Only in the event an issue arises should there be a need to contact Admin/Director.

5) Why can’t I just request for the Admin to remove me from a roster- I’m the one playing?
Coaches are in charge of their roster- additions or drops. With sponsors involved, legitimacy/protest of rosters, personal conflict, etc- this is for the benefit of all teams.

6) Where can we enter tournaments?
Right here! is the perfect place to search and enter your registered team into events. The event pages will have tabs that take you to all the pertinent information about the event.
You can also contact Admin via email if you have any issues.

7) How do I know what teams are coming?
On the event page for the tournament you are viewing, there is a “Who’s Coming” tab. This will show you a list of teams registered to play in the event.

8) I’m a new player and do not have a player account. How do I make one?
The Coach you are playing for will send your information to the admin after you give it to them. A player account is made when the individual is added to a USSSA roster for the first time (see 1 & 3 above). This will allow the Director to send you an emailed link that enables you to log in and set up your account.

9) I live in VA but the roster I want to join is a MD/PA/NC/WV team. Who do I contact?
All roster changes must go through the state the team is registered in.  We can always point you in the right direction if you are unsure of who to contact.

10) My team is classed differently in another sanction, can I transfer that to USSSA?
No. USSSA has it’s own classification system, fully separate from other sanctions.

11) Every sanction has different rules, where can I find those for USSSA?
They are easily accessible via the main navigation on the state website https://[email protected]

12) How many players can I put on my roster?
The site allows 20 players per roster max.

For your own benefit:
General chatter and questions are perfectly fine for Facebook messaging, texts, etc. Please do not message your roster information in those manners- understanding we are all using our personal accounts/phone, there is too much in the shuffle- the Admin’s email is DEDICATED to your requests with no risk of being lost amid many other conversations. [email protected]


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